Monday, July 27, 2009

Alesha & Kurtis~Did it!!

Ok where do I start.....remember these guys engagement shoot? ~(forgot to put my logo on the pic but anyway)....this is part two of the three shoots I plan on doing with these guys!!

I had the pleasure to be the one to photograph their day and I was thrilled they chose me......I have to admit I was a little disappointed at first ~ the day started off with rain and thunder but as the day progressed it ended up being amazing....just look at the variations of these photos because of the weather!

I have never met such an amazing family...not only beautiful but so generous and caring-I hope we maintain the friendship that we developed!

~WOW were they a blast to shoot...I think Alesha would agree with me, we could have spent another hour or two together. Well I guess we will at the trash the dress shoot....oh I can't wait!

This next photo make sure you click on the image to get the full effect...take a look at each persons reaction....WAY to funny! I gave Kurtis the champaigne bottle and he made me aware that he had never done it before and'll see! Talk about a candid photo~good thing I was ready!

Talk about a bunch of beauties!

Good thing you didn't rip those pants Kurtis!!

I hope this is the backlit photo you were wanting Alesha! I LOVE IT!!


  1. WOW Jen you are the best.They are all great.We need to have you back in ont.GREAT

  2. the one after the bubblegum is my favourite!!!!

  3. I love them! BUT especially enjoy the one of the groomsmen tossing or hoisting the groom up in the air and....cuz you know I couldn't have one fave, the one with the champagne was priceless :)

  4. My fav is the stormy sky then the kids of course and then the rest your mom is right you are the best can't wait for you to come home so I can meet my new nephew love you
    Aunt Janet

  5. So amazing.... what beautiful skies! Love them all!!
